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 A Specialized fitness foundation program GYROTONIC® Application for tennis players

Intentional movement training.    

It is very important  to build up proper body alignment and body connections to perform a specified actions of professional skill.  It is a fundamental structure of our programs, designed for Junior players in a process of development foundation for technical requirements of tennis,  prevention of injuries and negative body transformations.

Our approuch to fitness is dedicated, but not  limited to develop and strengthen the muscle structure of the body and to prepare the body to the constant "go-stop-go" the tennis game demands. All dynamic movements must be executed in balance to ensure perfect game results. As the player has to sustain the physical demands of top tennis our tennis program will enlarge the sustainability required by the student's body.

Prepare to play tennis save with full potentials. Find credential fitness for body development  and  injuries illumination.


A Specialized fitness foundation program GYROTONIC® Application for tennis

The pattented GYROTONIC EXPANTION SYSTEM® emphasizes multiple joint articulations without compression, thus strengthening ligaments and each attachment, It's effectiveness in teaching a variety of body conditions makes it a natural match for tennis. The manner in which major muscle groups are worked interdependently and in an integrated manner along with the emphasis on the spine and rotation and flexibility associated with it leave not doubt that  GYROTONIC® has the ability to enhance and improve anyone's game.

 GYROTONIC®GYROTONIC® & Logo and GYROTONIC EXPANSION SYSTEM® are registered trademarks of Gyrotonic Sales Corp and are used with their permission.